What are the best rooms to choose if I get seasick?

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Are some staterooms better than others if I feel I might get seasick?

This question was answered on our Q & A Wednesday show on June 28, 2017.
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If you are prone to motion or seasickness, there are definitely rooms that you stay away from. Rooms located in the forward section of the ship, especially those located on higher decks, will tend to have the most movement. With calm seas, you will be able to feel the slight up and down motion as the ship sails through the water. This will be magnified if the ship encounters any rough weather during your cruise. It is best to select a mid-ship stateroom, which on most ships will be somewhere between the forward and aft elevators. These centrally located rooms will be a more stable location and minimize movement. Another benefit is that you will be more conveniently situated to get around the ship and its public areas. Unlike staterooms located forward, mid-ship room locations on higher decks will not substantially increase motion discomfort levels. If you are unable to find a mid-ship stateroom on your cruise, it would be better to select one in an aft location as an alternative choice.